Mull Of Kintyre
Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:34 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
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Words and Music by Paul McCartney and Denny Laine
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78 KB
Mull of Kin-tyre, oh mist roll-ing in from the sea. My de-sire is al-ways to be-- here, oh Mull of Kin-tyre.
[Verse 1]
Far have I trav-elled and much have I-- seen. Dark dis-tant moun-tains with val-leys of green. Past paint-ed de-serts the sun-set's on-- fire as he car-ries me home to the Mull of Kin-tyre.
Mull of Kin-tyre, oh mist roll-ing in from the sea. My de-sire is al-ways to be here, oh Mull of Kin-tyre.
[Verse 2]
Sweep through the hea-ther like deer in the-- glen. Car-ry me back to the days I knew then. Nights when we sang like a hea-ven-ly choir, of the life and the times of the Mull of Kin-tyre.
Mull of Kin-tyre, oh mist roll-ing in from the sea. My de-sire is al-ways to be-- here, oh Mull of Kin-tyre.
[Verse 3]
Smiles in the sun-shine and tears in the rain. Still take me back where my memo-ries re-main. Flick-er-ing em-bers grow high-er and high-er as they car-ry me back to the Mull of Kin-tyre.
[Chorus x 2]
Mull of Kin-tyre, oh mist roll-ing in from the sea. My de-sire is al-ways to be-- here, oh Mull of Kin-tyre. Mull of Kin-tyre, oh mist roll-ing in from the sea. My de-sire is al-ways to be-- here, oh Mull of Kin-tyre.
Woh, eh, ho.
N.C. - no chord
I have Scottish roots, so couldn't resist doing
this song.
The bagpipes have only nine notes. They are not set
in the usual western major or minor scales, rather, they
use the lydian/mixolydian scale, which places the
half tones in a different position. Chanter notes are G
A B Csharp D E Fsharp G A (the C sharp is flatter than
the tempered scale and the A of the chanter is close to
B flat). The practice chanter is unique to Scottish and
Spanish piping. It is the same length as the bagpipe
chanter but sounds an octave lower.